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Academy Overview

Academy of Hospitality and Tourism focuses on the management, marketing, and operations of restaurants and other food/beverage services, lodging, attractions, recreation events, and travel-related services. Students learn knowledge and skills focusing on communication, time management, and customer service that meet industry standards. 
Students will explore the history of the hospitality and tourism industry and examine characteristics needed for success in that industry.

Curriculum for the Academy of Hospitality and Tourism contains essential content based on expertise from leaders in the hospitality and tourism industry.  Courses include:

  • Principles of Hospitality and Tourism
  • Hospitality Services
  • Hotel Management
  • Travel and Tourism Marketing and Management
  • Practicum of Hospitality Services I and II (NAF Summer Internships)
  • Practicum of Culinary I (NAF Summer Internships)
  • Culinary I
  • Restaurant Management
  • Cleaning and Sanitation

Along with their required courses, Academy of Hospitality and Tourism students can take dual enrollment courses while still in high school.  Every student is encouraged to take at least two years of foreign language.  The curriculum applies project-based learning and integrates literacy instruction through an extended inquiry process that simulates professional knowledge and workplace behavior.


Academy of Hospitality and Tourism students work as interns at hotels, restaurants, resorts, travel centers, tourism bureaus, sports facilities and other hospitality and tourism-related settings.  These internships connect students to the real world of work and establish important relationships between students and adult professionals in hospitality and tourism.



The Academy of Hospitality and Tourism are always looking for various opportunities in the hospitality and tourism industry. The academy has teamed with several cooperation’s to ensure all of our students are career ready.