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How many books can I check out at one time?
You can check out up to 5 books at a time, with no more than 3 from one series.
How long can I keep my books?
You can keep your books for two weeks.
My books are due but I’m not finished. How do I renew my books?
Log into your account here. Click "Log In" in the top right corner, enter your username (your Student ID)
and password (last four of your Student ID), click the arrow next to your name in the top right corner, click
"loans," then click “renew" next to the item you want to renew. 
If you need help, just ask the library staff!
How do I log my books for the Million Word Challenge?
Just fill out the form! It’s listed under “Forms” on the Library webpage.
How do I find out if the library has a book that I want?
Go to the library catalog in the “Reading” section of the Library webpage. Search the title or author you’re
looking for.
Can I print?
Yes, you may print up to 3 pages per day. Please ask the library staff before printing any pictures.
I need to come to the library. Do I need a pass?
Yes! If it is during class, you must have a Library Pass from your teacher. If it is before school, during
lunch, or after school, you must have a blue sticker pass on your ID badge. See the library staff if you need
What do I need to check out books?
Just your ID badge!